Caffeine Peter Colijn

March 01, 2008 (link)
Joel losing his touch?

I used to look forward to every new installment of Joel on Software. I found his words wise, his writing simple and his messages intelligent.

But lately, his stuff seems to be getting more and more arrogant and self-important. Take this article for example. I find it hard to believe that Joel equates QR codes with CueCat and assumes that nobody working on them ever heard about CueCat because they're simply too young. Come on, Google isn't hiring 7-year-olds. Even fresh out of school college grads remember CueCat.

Frankly, no, there isn't a huge chicken and egg problem. Everybody has a camera phone these days. Just try to get a cell phone without a camera. It's damn near impossible. And yes, URLs are hard to type, at least on any phone I've ever used. Basically Joel has missed the two most important differences between QR codes and CueCats:

  • Everybody has a camera phone, whereas nobody had a CueCat, or wanted one
  • URLs are hard to type on phones and in some locations where latin keyboards are not common, whereas they are not hard to type on a full US-English keyboard

The model with CueCat was that you got some special device, and hooked it up to your computer, and then sat next to your computer while reading a magazine and scanned the bar code. Obviously, that's next to useless. If you're at your computer anyway you might as well type in a URL. Especially since they were US-only and typing English on an English keyboard is pretty easy.

With QR codes, the idea is that you see them on the street, not in a magazine. Then you take a picture with your phone, and then you go straight to the web site. This is much easier than suffering with a crappy phone keyboard to type in a URL, even a short URL. And everyone already has the phone, so adding this convenience seems like a no-brainer.

Or I don't know, maybe I'm just too young. At least according to Joel.

March 04, 2008 (link)

git rocks!

I'm a bit behind the times on this one, I must admit. At Google we use Perforce, and I hadn't really had occasion to try git much until recently. I think I pulled a kernel from somebody's git tree once but that was about it.

One of the things I hate about Perforce is p4 edit. The only advantage you get from having to do this annoying step is a little message that tells you who else is editing the file when you edit it. Frankly, I don't really care. It's not like that's going to stop me from editing the file.

At Google, it gets so bad that during peak time, p4 edit can take minutes. This completely disrupts your thought process. Here you are, coding away, and you go to edit a file, it hangs, and then (at least in my case) you go look at email or something and completely forget about what you were doing. Of course you can just chmod the file yourself but then you risk forgetting that you have in fact edited it, so you might forget to include it when you submit.

(Incidentally, this is one of several reasons I prefer to work at night. At 4am there's at least a small chance Perforce might perform decently.)

Anyway, I recently started using git to manage local changes, only talking to Perforce when absolutely necessary. It completely changes the way I work, and I can work way faster too, because I can pipeline my changes so easily. I write some code, then send it for review, branch, write more code that depends on it, send that for review, etc. And then I can merge any changes made during the review into the branch and keeping working on the depending code. Doing development like that in Perforce was a royal pain. You made your changelist, sent it for review, and then had to patch it in to another Perforce client if you wanted to work on stuff that needed the first changelist. This encourages people to write huge, massive changelists because they don't want the burden of maintaining multiple Perforce clients. Huge, massive changelists that make me grumpy when I have to review them :P

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